Exceptional Programming
See below a list of our tailor-made programming. Groups run 1x per week for 60 minutes for 6 weeks. We create classes based on the age and cognition of participants.
Play Therapy
Individualized sessions to increase appropriate skills and development through play experiences. Opportunities for exploration and discovery are provided while targeting specific skills which include increased frustration tolerance and attention span, handling transitions, reciprocal social interactions, and positive self-awareness. A variety of toys, games, and sensory materials are utilized.
School Readiness
This group is designed for children ages 3-7, focusing on the fundamentals of learning. Which include increasing attention span, active listening, participation, and engagement. Encourages ability to manage transitions which can be applied to a home or classroom setting.
Sensory Regulation
This group is designed to improve sensory integration utilizing proprioceptive input, vestibular stimulation, address tactile defensiveness, and auditory discrimination/visual processing.
Academic Support
Individualized sessions designed for students ages 8-18 to promote and increase academic success within their current educational setting. a wide variety of instructional methods provided in effort to help accelerate their learning process, the individual's educational goals and objectives, and meet appropriate learning standards.
Assistive Technology ​
Adaptive technology including eye gaze, switches, touch screen monitors and interactive applications such as Osmo iPads are utilized to provide universal access for all levels of ability. Focuses on enhancing cognition, academics and functional computer skills through a variety of fun and engaging activities.
Expressive Language ​
This group focuses on increasing language skills through the use of the CORE vocabulary system and AAC devices. The CORE board incorporates visuals (picture symbols) and commonly used vocabulary to encourage and promote functional communication.
"Handy Dandy" Writing
This group encourages fine motor development and handwriting skills using multi-sensory tools and strategies while having fun.
Social Skills Group
This group is designed to encourage social and expressive communication in a structured play-based environment. The focus will include sharing, turn taking, cooperative play, safety, and friendship skills. Another important aspect of social skills that will be emphasized is understanding non-verbal body language and facial expressions.

Mrs. Buffy Gerschick

Meet Our Teacher
All programs implemented and taught by a Certified Special Education Teacher with a Master of Arts in Teaching within a clinic setting.
Additional Endorsements for the State of Michigan in the Specialized areas of Cognitive Impairments, Learning Disabilities, and Early Childhood Education.
Over 25 years of special needs classroom experience.